by John Eberhard
Since there are so many communication media today, it makes sense to take a single article that you write, and make sure it is utilized as much as possible and gotten out on as many communication channels as possible.
Here is my recommended plan for the use of a single article. To fit all these purposes the article should be at least 400 words.
- Email Newsletter: Send the article out in your email newsletter. Some people like to put an excerpt from the article in the email, then make people click through to their web site or blog to read the rest. Or put the whole thing in the newsletter. I put the whole thing in the newsletter.
- Blogs: Post the article on your blog or blogs. If your blog is not a Wordpress blog, don’t forget to go to and send a notification to all the blog search engines. Wordpress does this automatically. I have created multiple blogs for myself and for a number of my clients, including one main blog and a number of free blogging sites. Send the article out to all.
- Article Marketing: Submit the article to between 50 and 100 article directories. This builds quantity links back to your web site, and in my opinion and experience is one of the best methods of developing high quantity links in a short time. Plus people can find the articles and contact you. Supposedly the new version of Google’s algorithm discounts some article directories, but we closely monitor this and we have not seen it.
- Squidoo, HubPages and Google Knol: These sites are the most important article directories and are more or less in a class by themselves. These allow you to include text links in the article (HubPages only one link, any more than that and watch out, you’re a “spammer”), plus you can include multiple photos and videos as applicable.
- Twitter: Send out a tweet to your Twitter followers telling them to see your new article, then include a link to that article on your blog. Use the permalink. A permalink is a link that takes a person directly to that article on the blog. On Wordpress click on the article title and it will take you to the permalink. On Typepad, it gives a link to the permalink at the bottom of every post. Take that permalink and go to a URL shortener such as, that then shortens that permalink address to a shorter address. That’s important for Twitter which only gives you 140 characters for your tweet, and because most permalinks are pretty long.
- LinkedIn: Same as for Twitter. Post it to your LinkedIn profile and your connections will see it.
- Facebook: Post a link to the article to your Facebook profile. At the top it says “share” and click where it says “link.” Then put the permalink there and click “attach.” Facebook will show you what it will look like, how much of an excerpt for the article they will show, and a thumbnail picture. Usually you can scroll through the pictures it finds on the page or post, and you can select the one that fits the article the best. Share it with friends.
Using these methods you will ensure maximum utilization and dissemination of your article.
(The picture above is meant to symbolize multiple ways of getting your article out, but if you choose to give it a patriotic meaning that's OK with me.)
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